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스티븐영어 네이버 카페에서 더 많은 스터디 확인하세요.

제목 [영어일기] What a terrible x-mas it was!!!2019-03-14 08:45

I was over the moon as I had quite a terrific time socializing with my valuable friends and new ones while x-mas party yesterday.

However, something made me extremely unpleasant. I overheard what my housemate was talking about me on the phone by accident. The story between her and me was that she had been meant to go to the beach with me on x-mas and I confirmed several times if she really wanted to pay a visit there or not. She was quite happy to do so.

I have been thinking of the itinary, the train timetable, what sort of things we would take for meals, and any other activities.

All of a sudden, right prior to Christmas, she mentioned that she would do something with her friend on that day.  It was a very disappointing and  dispiriting moment due to the fact that she had asked me to do something first 10days ago and I frequently checked everything was going well. In the end, we were not able to do it since she changed her mind. This is the life. What I was upset was that even though the plan was cancelled due to her, she was mentioning her friend about negative things that I did change my mind so that we could not go to the place.

She has two faces that when I came back home and said 'Hello' with  friendly manner. Then she stabbed my back and what is more, she is still friendly whenever I come across her in our place.

I know this is unfair to me, but I do not even want to see and talk to her because it is not worthy at all. The person always asks me to do something with me and the following day, she puts it off. Now I can tell her personality so I would not involve any activities with her.

Guys, I am terribly sorry to put this negative experience on this site right after Christmas.


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PS. 언어교환이 즐거우시다면

카페를 주변에 알려주세요


(블로그, 타 카페, 각종 SNS)


이전 [영어일기] I was depressed yesterday. 2019-03-14
- [영어일기] What a terrible x-mas it was!!! 2019-03-14
다음 [영어일기] 2016 2019-03-14

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