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스티븐영어 네이버 카페에서 더 많은 스터디 확인하세요.

제목 [영어일기] 3.13 My first english diary 🙂2019-03-14 08:54
My First writing in English in this group :-)
Hey guys, I am so nervous to write in english here. Because it is first time to write.
Anyways i am going to tell you guys about my today. I just started my part time job in a coffee shop few days ago. I've never worked in cafe, So everything was new.
I think I am not that helpful to my boss. I am trying really hard to be a good barista.
I thought making cafe latte is quite easy. But there are lots of processes like steaming,pouring and making a shape on the top of coffee. So Making all kind of latte is the most difficult thing in my work. Therefore i natually love customers who order just Americano :-) But to be a goood barista i should not give up ! I'll keep trying!!


이전 [영어일기] 3월 13일 English Diary 2019-03-14
- [영어일기] 3.13 My first english diary 🙂 2019-03-14
다음 [영어일기] HAPPY "white" day! 2019-03-14

(A+)이미지 스티븐영어 | 대표이사: 허승재,김은미 | 개인정보책임관리자: 허승재 | 사업자번호: 315-08-79458 통신판매업번호: 제 2017-서울중랑-0495호 주소: 서울특별시 중랑구 상봉로 7, 서일타운 4층 고객센터 : WIN31707@NAVER.COM | 대표번호 010-7355-1408

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