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리얼 스터디

스티븐영어 네이버 카페에서 더 많은 스터디 확인하세요.

제목 [영어일기] 2017.3.142019-03-14 08:54

Today, I woke up at 6:50 because of my school. I need to go middle school by 8 o'clock.

I washed my face and ate breakfast. I ate 강된장 today.

My grandmother's 강된장is so delicious.

I went to my middle school with my grandfather. I arrived my school at 7:50.

I met my friends and teacher. First class is English,

English class is so easy and I like English only I study in this cafe.

Even though i took 6 class more but i don't say any special things because of nothing happend to me in school

When I finished my class. I went to bus station and I went to my aunt's house.

I wait my aunt's and grandfather and I met them. I went to new lamb restaurant.

I ate land chop and seafood ramen. I like lamb chop but it is not much but it is some greasy.

I went to LoXXe mart and I bought mt grandfather car's air fresher and

I came to my home, take a shower.

And know, I write this diary.


Please check my diary and say what I change.


이전 [영어일기] 2017. 3. 14 2019-03-14
- [영어일기] 2017.3.14 2019-03-14
다음 [영어일기] 2017.03.14 Second diary 2019-03-14

(A+)이미지영어 스티븐영어 | 대표이사: 허승재,김은미 | 개인정보책임관리자: 허승재 | 사업자번호: 315-08-79458 통신판매업번호: 제 2017-서울중랑-0495호 주소: 서울특별시 중랑구 상봉로 7, 서일타운 4층 고객센터 : WIN31707@NAVER.COM | 대표번호 010-7355-1408

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