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제목 [라이팅] MTH #17 Tonight on the Titanic2019-03-16 09:12

On a stormy night, Jack and Annie heard the rain tap their window pane. The rain did seem to be tapping out "Come now"! They thought something important was about to happen.

With their card with the glowing letters ML on it, they headed Frog Creek woods and climbed into the tree house. There was a small dog which looked like a terrier puppy named Teddy instead of Morgan. She left a new mission message that the little dog is under a spell and needs their help. To free him, they might be given four special gifts.

Teddy trotted over to a book titled The Unsinkable Ship that would take them on the first trip for one gift.

Late at night, they landed on the ship, TITANIC, between the smokestacks with Teddy on April 14, 1912. The English ocean liner was making her first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to New York City. Carrying 2,200 passengers, the ship was four city blocks long. Most people believed the ship was unsinkable.

Just in time the Titanic hit a huge iceberg, and then the ship stopped moving. Although the ship was going to sink no matter what, Jack and Annie looked around to find some way to help the passengers.

They climbed down to a lower level, the ship seemed strangely empty. Maybe they were still asleep and they probably didn't even know the ship hit something.

As all three passed radio room at 11:40 PM, the captain ordered a radio operator to send out an SOS. When the Titanic sank around 2:20 AM, she was all alone. The only ship near turned off its radio and all the other ships were too far away to help.

Their book says that, on the Titanic, there were 20 lifeboats. To save all the passengers, the ship needed twice as many. Many third-class passengers did not have a chance to get into any of the lifeboats because they were on the lower decks and didn't know where to go.

When the floor's slanting down, Jack and Annie could help someone find the lifeboats. So they hurried down to the third-class cabins.

Then, a man in a white uniform knocked on the doors, and called people to put on their life belts at once and to come up to the boat deck. But no one understands and didn't seem worried either. All of people were joking and laughing, playing cards, played the piano, and danced to music.

The cabins were all empty as Jack and Annie began banging on the cabin doors. When they started to walk back to the stairs, Teddy began barking at a closed door. A very small boy who looked about four years old, William, and his sister Luch looked to be about thirteen years peeked out. Luch and William were on their way to their parents in New York.

Annie pointed to the water at the end of the hall. Then Luch went back inside the room and came out with their things. Jack and Annie pulled Luch and William along. Many wore life belts but no one here seemed very worried yet.

On the top deck, the Titanic was as bright as a Christmas tree and a band played lively music and fireworks boomed. There were like a trick, but the ship was sinking real!

That's when someone shouted "Women and children first!". The lifeboat was waiting to go down. Jack and Annie gently pushed Luch and William forward to get in. Then, Luch gave them a watch which was her father's silver pocket watch. She carried it on the voyage for good luck, and she had a feeling that Jack and Annie were her good luck tonight. Annie stepped forward to blow a kiss.

Just then, the man picked Annie up and tossed into the lifeboat. And then the man reached for Jack, too. He jumped away just in time. The lifeboat jerked and started creaking down toward the dark, cold sea. There was nothing Jack and Annie could do as the lifeboat kept going down.

Then, a woman in a fur coat appeared at the railing, making a loud voice. The uniformed man called stopping the lifeboat, and slowly it was brought back up. Jack pushed his way forward and grabbed Annie's hands. Then they took off before anyone could catch them.

The time was 2:05, only fifteen minutes left before sinking. Suddenly, the front of the ship dipped down into the sea. They ran and reached the stairs that led to the smokestacks. The ship tilted further. They slipped and crawled down the deck. But when they got to the smokestacks, the magic tree house was gone!

The front of the Titanic sank deeper into the sea. Jack and Annie fell forward. They grabbed the railing and held on for their lives. Then, they heard barking of Teddy from a distance.

Suddenly, the lights on the Titanic went out, so the world was pitch-dark. And the ship tilted again and they slipped, and fell. They rolled until they crashed into a smokestack. But Teddy's barking led them into the tree house.

They came back to the woods. Teddy saved their lives and they had the first gift to break the spell he's under. Luch's gift had stopped and the hands were at 2:20. They put it, which was a gift from a ship lost at sea, on top of Morgan's note.

They would take Teddy home, but there was no sign of the little dog. But they had a feeling they would wee him again soon.

Time might had stopped for the Titanic. But books and memories keep the Titanic alive. It's a true story, but it's also like a myth. And every time the story's told,  we wish it had a different ending.

Jack knew that he and Annie were lucky. They had come home. They slipped quietly into their house, where it was cozy and dry and very safe.

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