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제목 [라이팅] MTH #25 Stage Fright on a Summer Night2019-03-16 09:13

Jack and Annie had already done many good things for Morgan and for King Arthur and Camelot. Now Morgan wanted them to do something good for themselves. They were going to learn magic which did not need charms or spells. A secret rhyme would guide them on each journey. The first one was "To find a special magic, You must step into the light. And without wand, spell, or charm, Turn daytime into night." She left a research book, "Merry Olde England" which could help their journey.

The tree house had landed in a patch of trees near the Thames River in 1600, London, England, ruled by Queen Elizabeth the First. At the heart of London was London Bridge which crossed the River. The bridge looked like a small town which was crowded with houses, shops, and even a church.

The river smelled terrible, but no one else seemed to mind the smell, though. People were cheerfully piling into ferryboats or heading for the bridge. They all seemed happy, as if they were going someplace fun.

A group of ragged boys who were about twelve or thirteen ran toward the stone gateway leading onto the bridge. They were laughing and out of breath in a hurry to get the bridge. Jack and Annie followed them.

The bridge was so noisy and smelly. Wagon wheels rumbled, pots clinked in carts, horses neighed, and shopkeepers shouted. Finally they came to the end of the bridge and stoped and looked around at the riverbank, an area where Londoners went for entertainment. The Bear Garden was a popular spot, where people watched bears fight with dogs. Jack and Annie didn't stand to watch that, so they started to walk away.

Just then Annie pointed to a bear in the cage on the cart nearby, which was the bear that passed them on the bridge. The lonely-looking bear raised his huge head and looked at her, and his dark dyes were sad. The cart driver wanted to sell him of the bear fights. She furiously wanted to save the bear as was usual with her.

Jack needed to get Annie's mind off the bear. As the group of older kids from the bridge toward The Glove Theater, Jack said her to figure the bear out later. She had loved plays, so they followed those kids immediately there. But she wanted to go back and free the bear, again. He wanted her to forget about the bear, so he read with lots of feeling the research book like player.

That's when a man, Will, hurried over to them. He was in great need of a boy who is a brilliant reader, because two boy actors had not shown up today to play fairies in play of 'A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM'. There were three thousand people there today, waiting to see the play he had written, and one of them was the most important person in the world.

Jack couldn't do that, although he didn't have to memorize it and he just got to read his part. He always got stage fright so tried to walk off, but Annie grabbed his arm. She could be able to read, and had liked being onstage. Jack could tell that she really, really wanted to be in the play, and it was definitely a way to keep her mind off the bear. He would be in the Will's play if she could be in it, Jack said to Will.

Will led them into the back of the theater. Annie would have to pretend to be a boy because it was against the law for girls to go on the stage at that age. That was Will's idea. The thought, which they were about to stand in front of three thousand people, made him break into a sweat and his stomach felt fluttery.

Will handed them each a small scroll which their rolls put on it. Jack unrolled his scroll which two long speeches to read on it. He thought that he couldn't go onstage, then he slipped away. Just as he found the stairs, he bumped into Will. He helped Jack, "Imagine you are a fairy. You're in the forest, on a summer night. If you believe that, the audience will believe it, too."

When Jack stood onstage, he closed his eyes. He felt the summer night and he took a deep breath. He cleared his throat and looked at his speech, then began to read. He tried to be as natural as possible. When he finished his speech, the audience clapped and clapped.

Then Annie did her part. Reading from her scroll, she sang out clearly and with lots of feeling. She even added a little dance to her song. By the time she finished, the audience clapped and cheered and stamped their feet.

It was time to bow. Jack and Annie ran on stage with Will and the other actors. As Will made a sweeping bow to a woman in a gallery above the stage, she stood up and slowly lifted the veil. The audience members all fell to their knees. She was Queen Elizabeth whose teeth were all black because she had eaten too much sugar. She had no idea how she looks, because she hadn't peeked in a good mirror for twenty years. The audience didn't seem to mind. She said that today all these good players gave us a special kind of magic, the magic of theater, and they turned the very daytime into night. At last Jack and Annie found the magic!

After the curtain lowered, Annie headed to led Jack for the patch of trees behind the theater. No one was looking when she had gone to the cart, and stolen the bear. She had put a costume on him like an actor. As Annie came there again with Jack, just then bear's owner charged into the woods. She was standing between the bear and the man. She said to him that the bear was a tame bear and not a fighter.

At that time Will were standing at the edge of the woods. Will said to the man that he had been planning to write a play with a part for a bear, and that he took his money for the bear and be gone. They all saved the bear.

Will handed their two scrolls with their lines on them, then he took them the other side with his boat. The river smelled as bad as before, but Jack didn't mind now, because he had grown used to it.

"The queen pretends to be young and beautiful, just as you pretended to be a boy, and the bear pretended to be an actor. All the world's a stage," Will said. And when they said to him about the tree house, Will said that thy life's a miracle.

Will suggested them that they would stay and act at the theater because of their great talent. But they really missed parents. Parting is such sweet sorrow, he said.

They came back to Frog Creek woods. When they unrolled two scrolls, they saw Will had written something. He was William Shakespeare who was the greatest writer who ever lived. They left the scrolls with Morgan' note of the rhyme. It would prove to her they found a special magic.

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