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스티븐영어 네이버 카페에서 더 많은 스터디 확인하세요.

제목 [라이팅] MTH #8-10 Earth life2019-04-16 23:32
Jack and Annie came back home.

But Jack still was closing his eyes.

Frog Creek woods of the midnight was alive.

Jack felt the leaves rustled by a breeze, heard an owl.

He opened his eyes. Then he saw Morgan was still with them.

Annie asked Morgan if she and the tree house will stay there.

Maybe she wanted to stay Morgan there.

But Morgan said she has to go to Camelot.

Because she has been gone from Camelot for a long time.

Morgan brushed the moondust on Jack's cheek. The feeling was cool, soft. She thanked him for his great love of knowledge.

Also, Morgan touched Annie's braid, thanking about her belief in the impossible.

Now it was the time they have to go to their home.

Morgan handed his backpack, she said, "Go home now."

Jack felt the earth very beautiful, colorful. They said goodbye to Morgan, left the tree house. When they stepped on the ground the wind blew harder and a loud roar heard. And then the tree house was gone.

Jack and Annie looked up top of the tallest tree for a long moment.

When they walked on their way, it was cool and moist.

When they looked up the sky, the moon was so far away.

They wondered the moon man that met on the moon.

Annie guessed him maybe an alien from another galaxy. Jack guessed him maybe one of the scientists or astronauts from the earth. Jack said it didn't prove the alien exist.

When they went into their house through the back door, before shut the door, Jack glanced up at the moon.

He thought maybe Annie was right- the moon man came from another galaxy.

Jack said goodbye to the moon man and then closed the door.

댓글로 서로 으쌰으쌰해요~^^


이전 [라이팅] MTH 1-10 Home Before Dark 2019-04-16
- [라이팅] MTH #8-10 Earth life 2019-04-16
다음 [라이팅] MTH4. Pirates Past Noon 2019-04-16

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