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리얼 스터디

스티븐영어 네이버 카페에서 더 많은 스터디 확인하세요.

제목 [라이팅] MTH # 3-9 Follow the leader2019-03-14 08:36

They pushed the wooden door but no use. The door didn’t budge. Jack tried to stay calm but it was hard to take a breath. He thought they should start down the hallway and stumbled down the stairs. Down the stairs and around the corner. And down the another stairs and around the another corner.....

They were trapped. At that time, they heard the cat sound. “Meow!” They followed the sound and they finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

Jack couldn’t believe how cat did get out of the pyramid but Annie though it was a magic.

When they were about to make a wish to go home, they heard the sound from outside. They looked out the window and saw the boat was sailing over the sand. Jack thought the queen was on her way to the next life. Or was it only a mirage?


이전 [라이팅] MTH #14-2 The Cowherd 2019-03-14
- [라이팅] MTH # 3-9 Follow the leader 2019-03-14
다음 [라이팅] MTH #1-6. Dinosaur Valley 2019-03-14

(A+)이미지 스티븐영어 | 대표이사: 허승재,김은미 | 개인정보책임관리자: 허승재 | 사업자번호: 315-08-79458 통신판매업번호: 제 2017-서울중랑-0495호 주소: 서울특별시 중랑구 상봉로 7, 서일타운 4층 고객센터 : WIN31707@NAVER.COM | 대표번호 010-7355-1408

Setup Menus in Admin Panel
