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제목 [라이팅] ▼2019-03-16 06:58
This was the time Jack and Annie went to meet Winter of the ice Wizard.
They already found 3 treasures for Merlin and Camelot and now they had to look for Merlin's staff stolen by the ice Wizard.
Jack and Annie met Teddy who was the dog before when they were looking for something for Morgan and Kathleen who is a selkie girl that can change into a seal with the magical clothes in the woods of Frog Creek.
Teddy and Kathleen gave them to a new mission from Merlin and wanted to help their journey.
All of them went into the magic tree house and saw the rhyme.
It was warning the weather is so cold and chilly and It's not easy.
but, All of them were brave. They decided to make a wish and went to the period in the mission.
there was very cold as they had already expected.
They had no idea where to go at first but, Teddy found the way to have to go soon.
There was a castle made of ice blocks in the middle of the way.
when they arrived at the entrance of the castle, Icicles were too long as nobody had came here for a long time.
It made them scared and say nothing. but, Teddy broke the silence first.
he asked them if they went into the castle or not.
They decided to make a move. Teddy started to broke the long icicles and said 'Onward' as usual.
They took off, through the aisle with many big columns, into a huge platform.
while they were passing through the way, they heard a voice calling Jack and Annie.
Annie thought it's Merlin's voice so, made a haste and were gone into the room before Jack warned to her that it might not be the voice of Merlin.
Jack could not help going to the room. However, Someone waited for them was the Ice Wizard not Merlin...


(A+)이미지영어 스티븐영어 | 대표이사: 허승재,김은미 | 개인정보책임관리자: 허승재 | 사업자번호: 315-08-79458 통신판매업번호: 제 2017-서울중랑-0495호 주소: 서울특별시 중랑구 상봉로 7, 서일타운 4층 고객센터 : WIN31707@NAVER.COM | 대표번호 010-7355-1408

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