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제목 [라이팅] MTH #10 Ghost Town at Sundown2019-03-30 12:57

When Jack and Annie were sitting on the porch of their house, Annie saw a strange rabbit hopping down the street. They followed the rabbit because of sign of Morgan's return.

They climbed up into the tree house. Morgan gave second riddle put on rolled ancient roll. Jack and Annie had wanted to help her who was in trouble, so they must be Master Librarian. To be Master Librarian, they had to pass a test of solving four riddles.

Jack and Annie took off into the picture of book

'Days of the Wild West'

, and then unrolled the scroll. The riddle was "out of the blue, my lonely voice calls out to you. Who am I? Am I?"

In the tree house, they landed in Rattlesnake Flats, empty and spooky. It had become 'ghost town' after the creek dried up and then everyone left by 1880.

There was an unpaved street and a few old buildings. Jack and Annie came into a store with a faded sign. As they tried to put on hats and cowboy boots in there, a piano music was coming from other building which was hotel. But no one was there! They ran out of it.

When they got outside, they heard another sound of horse hooves thumping against the hard ground. Jack and Annie hid two empty barrels outside the hotel.

While all they peeked through the crack in the barrel, three cowboys riding hoses came to a halt and a beautiful horse reared up. The horse had no rider or saddle, just a rope around her neck, and a white star above her eyes. The three rustlers was planing to sell her when they crossed the border. Even though she wanted her colt, the men left him behind because he was too slow.

As soon as the rustlers were going to camp over a rise, the colt was running down the road. He had white star above his eyes like his mom, and looked very lost. Their book says, at the end of the 1800s, over a million wild horses, called mustangs, wandered the West, and mustang herders captured them and sold them to ranchers.

Though the mustang was wild, Annie was already sitting on the back of the colt, named Sunset. The basic rules on how to treat a horse are a soft hand, a firm voice, a sunny attitude, praise, and reward, their book says.

Just then, a cowboy, whose name was Slim and host of Sunset, was riding a horse named Dusty to go there. To save Sunset's mom, they all chased to the rustlers over the rise. Jack rode in front of Slim, and Annie rode Sunset because Slim agreed to her who seemed to have a knack with horses. Slim called Jack and Annie as Sorty and Smiley, as every cowpoke has a nickname.

The sky was dark by the time they got to the rise. While Annie stayed and guard Sunset, Slim and Jack rode down near the men's camp. And then Jack kept Dusty quiet, as Slim was cutting the mare loose.

As they saved the horse and then galloped off the rustlers, Jack felt to the ground. That's when a shimmering white figure, ghost of Lonesome Luke who lost love and vanished into the prairie, helped him.

In the end, all of them came to a boxy open space surrounded by walls of rock, Blue Canyon. And Jack and Annie get the answer to Mhorgan's riddle there. That was "echo"!

In fact, Slim first had come out west to write a book. Annie encouraged him to be a writer and recommended him to let the mustangs go free. Finally Slim decided to be an author and wouldn't chase after rustlers anymore.

After Jack and Annie came back the their woods, they put the book on top of a stack of books in the tree house. At that moment, their mouths dropped open, because they noticed the book was written by Slim Cooley.

They read the dedication with thanks to Smiley and Shorty, who changed his life. When they read his book, it was like he still talks to them, like an echo.

댓글로 서로 으쌰으쌰해요~^^


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- [라이팅] MTH #10 Ghost Town at Sundown 2019-03-30
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(A+)이미지영어 스티븐영어 | 대표이사: 허승재,김은미 | 개인정보책임관리자: 허승재 | 사업자번호: 315-08-79458 통신판매업번호: 제 2017-서울중랑-0495호 주소: 서울특별시 중랑구 상봉로 7, 서일타운 4층 고객센터 : WIN31707@NAVER.COM | 대표번호 010-7355-1408

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