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제목 [라이팅] MTH #18 Buffalo Before Breakfast2019-03-30 12:58

Jack and Annie must be given four special gifts to help free a mysterious dog from a magic spell. They have already received one gift on a trip to the Titanic.

Teddy, a small dog under magic spell, was back. They had gone last trip with him. Three of them picked up a book in the corner of the tree house. The cover was a picture of a wide prairie, titled The Great Plains.

In the tree house, all they landed in a lone tree in a vast golden prairie, which was called "an ocean of grass" and covered nearly a fifth of America's land before the 20th century. They came to the time before the white settlers and soldiers had arrived.

They walked and kept going through the tall, rippling grass, and stared at a circle of tepees which was the largest tribe, Lakota, of Great Plains in the early 1800s.

Then, a warrior, a boy on a pony, galloped toward them, grabbing his bow. Immediately Jack said they come in peace.

They followed him, Black Hawk, to meet his people. As all eyes turned to Jack and Annie, they quickly both held up two fingers, which means 'friend'. Also their research book says that it's good manners to be quiet and should give gifts and not show fear.

Black Hawk led them to his Grandmother. Then both held up two fingers, and Jack took off his coonskin cap and gave it to her.

They looked around the camp along her. One girl was adding claws to a buckskin shirt. All would give her the power of the animals such as hawk feathers, elk teeth, and porcupine quills. Same way, when Black Hawk goes on a buffalo hunt, he has strong animal power which means wearing a wolf's hide like suit.

The buffalo gave gifts to Lacota people such as food from his body, tepees from his skin, tools from his bones, cups from his horns, ropes from his hair, and even winter sleds from his ribs. That reminded them of the seal hunter in the Arctic, who used all the gifts from the seal's body and didn't waste a thing.

Black Hawk wanted to show them the buffalo, not for hunt. Lakota had enough meat today. The people never take more buffalo than they need.

Three of them climbed on each pony and Annie hung the leather bag, Teddy was inside it, over her shoulder. Together they all rode through the tall grass, and then stopped at the top of a grassy slope. Before them were thousands and thousands of grazing buffalo. For certain, Jack and Annie had come to the time before the end of the great buffalo herds.

Black Hwak wanted to show them how a brave hunter moves. Jack and Annie worried about that, because their research book says A bison, the true name of the buffalo, can weigh two thousand pounds and stand six feet high, and if one becomes alarmed by a hunter he might start running and set off a terrifying stampede.

Black Hwak slid off his pony, and then crept on all fours toward the buffalo. As he was passing the nearest buffalo, he sneezed. The huge buffalo jerked its head up, and then it pointed its horns and charged toward him. A ripple went through the herd as other shaggy animals looked up.

To make matters worse, Teddy jumped out from Annie and ran toward the buffalo, and bounded along the edge of the herd, barking furiously. Annie slid off her pony and ran after Teddy. Black Hwak was still dodging the running buffalo and looked tired.

Just then, Jack nudged his pony, and then the pony charged down the slope and ran between the buffalo. Black Hawk started running toward Jack's pony, and he threw himself over the pony's back. The pony veered away from the buffalo and back up the slope.

As two of them looked back, Annie was surrounded by buffalo but buffalo was calm. She was patting them and talking to them. The buffalo near had stopped running, too. The ones beyond those started to calm down... then other... until all the buffalo had stopped running. They began grazing again as if nothing had happened.

They rode down toward Annie. On her face was a look of amazement. When Annie couldn't escape, out of nowhere, a beautiful lady in a white leather dress had come to help her. It was the spirit of White Buffalo Woman.

Back at the Lakota camp, the circle of tepees glowed in the setting sun, and people were gathered around a large fire. Black Hawk said their full story to Grandmother, and then she gave new names to them, Rides-Like-Wind and Buffalo Girl.

They sat with her near in their circle and joined pipe-smoking ceremony. Grandmother said that the smoke from the sacred pipe joins all things to the Great Spirit, which is the source of all things in the sacred circle of life. White Buffalo Woman was a messenger of the Great Spirit. When the people were starving, she had brought the sacred pipe so that their prayers could rise to the Great Spirit and he answered by sending them the buffalo.

Grandmother gave Jack and Annie a brown-and-white feather for their courage. Sometimes courage can summon help from the beyond, Grandmother said. The eagle' feather was their "gift from the prairie blue." , their second special gift. She said that let your thoughts rise as high as that teather, and it is good medicine. She added saying, it connects you to the world of the spirits.

Lacota people didn't own the land, because the land belongs to the Great Spirit. Also they didn't have to go to school, because they learn everywhere.

Next day, as Lacota people left toward the sunset following the buffalo, Jack and Annie left toward sunrise in which the magic tree house was placed.

When they came back to their woods, Teddy slipped away like last time.

On their way home, Jack thought Black Hawk's grandmother is right. All things are related, she had said.

It was their own grandmother who waited for them at home. They loved her who was kind and funny, and always taught them new things.

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