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제목 [라이팅] MTH #14. Day of the Dragon King2019-03-30 12:51

Jack and Annie went back into the woods in 2 weeks later after Pompeii travel.

Morgan greeted them as usual.
They held onto the ladder and started up to the tree house.
When Jack and Annie went into the place, Morgan gave them a new book about Ancient China and tell they have to find about a book related to the Chinese characters.
They made a wish after getting the book.
They could feel All of Their clothes already changed to match the time with Ancient China.
Jack and Annie met a man who is in the country and he asked them to send a message to the woman who is a weaver.
So, first, They found her and gave the message. She said thanks to them and gave two bundles of thread.
and next They were headed to somewhere to find the library where the book is in it there.
they found an oxcart and hid into goods at the back of the cart.
a man came onto the cart and was headed into the walled castle. Jack and Annie were found in the middle of the road though.
the man is a scholar. they explained about themselves and their duty to him and showed the medallion standing for Master Librarian.
the scholar understood everything and decided to help them.
However, books were burning when they arrived at the castle...
it was just as well the book Jack and Annie had to look for hadn't burned yet.
It was really dangerous to save the book in this situation. Annie went to the direction to pick it up as soon as she looked at it. and returned back with the book.
The Dragon King saw them though.
Jack and Annie started to run away and soldiers chased them.
The scholar said Jack and Annie had better go into the graves for king's ancestors and the king, himself.
so, they went into there. there were fake soldiers. They are made for after the king's death.
but, there was no end point. Jack and Annie got lost.
just as they were lost, Annie remembered what Morgan said, "in the darkness, only the ancient thing helps you."
Jack and Annie said the wish to escape there. but, nothing gonna happen. They were frustrated
All of a sudden the threads started to go out of Jack's backpack. it was headed for the exit !
finally Jack and Annie could go back home and gave Morgan the book
they completed the mission


(A+)이미지영어 스티븐영어 | 대표이사: 허승재,김은미 | 개인정보책임관리자: 허승재 | 사업자번호: 315-08-79458 통신판매업번호: 제 2017-서울중랑-0495호 주소: 서울특별시 중랑구 상봉로 7, 서일타운 4층 고객센터 : WIN31707@NAVER.COM | 대표번호 010-7355-1408

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