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제목 [라이팅] MTH #16 Hour of the Olympics2019-03-16 09:12

Jack and Annie's first four missions are to save stories from ancient libraries as Master Librarians. They have already brought back three so far. This is their last mission.

When Annie called Jack before sunrise, he slept in his clothes because he didn't want to waste any time. They always had expected their tasks as Master Librarians.

They slowed to a walk in the pitch-black woods, and met Morgan who waited them in the tree house. She gave the title of last story which they would find written in Greek, and their guide book titled A Day in Ancient Greece.

As two of them opened their eyes, the tree house landed in an olive tree in the olive grove. Past there was a field filled with white tents and beyond the field were red-brick buildings with columns and crowds of people, which was at the first ancient Olympics in Olympia.

They walked to where the tents were, and saw an outdoor theater frist. Though they saw a girl on the stage, she was a boy. At that time, women were not allowed to act, so men played the female, too.

As they moved along, just then a man who was a philosopher, Plato, was walking toward them. Because it was odd to see a girl walking so bravely through Olympia, he guess that they might be from far away.

Jack and Annie show him their cards, and they pulled out the piece of paper with the title of the story. That was written by a brilliant poet who was a friend of him.

Plato led them to a Greek house, then he took with him a young woman who was holding a scroll with poem on it. Even though girls were not allowed to go to school during the age, she had learned to read and write by herself and had written poetry.

The poet handed Jack her scroll, and let him tell people it was written by Anonymous. She would get in trouble if it is read in her land. But Jack might take it back to their faraway home, where it would be safe, Plato said.

He then led Jack and Annie to take to the Olympics. He had special seats in the viewing box. However girls couldn't go there either. Greece was a democracy, in which the country believe in freedom for their citizen but that only means men. Jack didn't want to leave Annie alone, but he also didn't want to miss the Olympics. If she goes to the games, she would get in terrible trouble. Jack would tell her all about it if he come back from Olympics, and then Plato and Jack joined the crowd heading toward the Olympic grounds.

Along with Plato Jack saw a olive tree which was Greek sacred tree, the branches of which crowns was made of for the winners to wear. Next they passed a statue of a winged lady who was the goddess of victory, Nike. Then they stepped into the looming where the biggest statue of Zeus was. The honor of the Olympics Games was played there. Every moment Jack wrote about Olympics for Annie.

As Plato and Jack watched parade, a really short strange soldier appeared dressed like the actor from the outdoor theater. The soldier was on a long cape and a red-crested helmet that covered most of his face. When the chariot races began, the crowd went wild such as cheering and screaming and stamping. Just then the soldier jumped and shouted, and his soldier's cape fell off. He was Annie!

she was too busy cheering to notice anything, but someone shouted for the guards about her. Jack moved as quickly as he could, but two big guards got to Annie first. Finally, Jack reached her and the guards, but more guards arrived and the crowd began to shout to the guards to arrest her.

That's when Jack held up the story up to the sky, then he shouted to save her. Then suddenly the crowd fell silent as the most beautiful huge white horse galloped pulling empty chariot straight toward Jack.

As the guards stared in awe at the horse, Jack with Annie climbed into the waiting chariot. In shouting and starting after them, the horse leaped forward with the feathery wings growing and it was pulling their chariot into the sky.

The winged horse, Pegasus in Greek mythology, was coasted to the ground near the olive grove. Next story was as so far as we know Jack and Annie came back to their woods in the tree house safely.

They came back, and gave the scroll to Morgan. As Jack and Annie wished they could see Pegasus again, Morgan said that in the night they could see all the story characters that saved them on their last four missions. Hercules, the silk weaver, Sarph of the serpent monster, and Pegasus, all of them were in the night sky as stars. Morgan said the old stories are always with us, and we are never alone.

As Jack with Annie walked through in pitch-black woods, he wasn't worried about finding his way home. He felt as if someone(or something) was leading them through the woods. Morgan's words came back to him that the old stories are with us and we are never alone.

Jack looked up at the stars again.

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이전 [라이팅] MTH #17 Tonight on the Titanic 2019-03-16
- [라이팅] MTH #16 Hour of the Olympics 2019-03-16
다음 [라이팅] Writing practice 2019-03-16

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