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제목 [라이팅] MTH #26 Good morning, Gorillas2019-03-16 09:13

It was rainy and still dark outside at 5 am. With umbrella and flashlight, Jack and Annie headed through the Frog Creek woods and climbed into the tree house.

The scrolls which was proof they found a special magic from their last trip to old England were there. Also sticking out of a book, a piece of paper which Morgan left them was a new secret rhyme. The rhyme for guide of their second journey was that "To find a special kind of magic in world so far apart, speak a special language, talk with your hands and heart." And their research book, "AN AFRICAN RAIN FOREST" helped them.

When Jack and Annie opened their eyes, they were in the misty rain forest in the mountains of central Africa, called "cloud forest'."

They stepped onto the ground, and soon Annie found a small gorilla, named Bu-bu, whose eyes were full of mischief. Jack noticed she was about the size of a three-year-old kid from the book.

Annie and Bu-bu perched in two trees. Bu-bu settled on a branch, broke off a piece of tree bark, and nibbled it like a candy bar. Annie did all the same. Bu-bu grabbed a tree branch and swung to another tree, Annie tried to do that. She fell from the tree and crashed down to the ground near Jack. To their relief, she was okay.

Just then, the mist turned to rain. Jack had left umbrella and flashlight near that tree that they pasted. While Annie caught her breath by the gorilla, Jack went to get them the tree.

As he peered through the growing darkness, Jack saw many similar trees. Soon he could hardly see trees at all. He realized that both a storm and night had come to the forest.

Forget the umbrella and flashlight, it was more important to get back to Annie before it was too dark. They could wait together for daylight. But he didn't know which way to go.

He had run into something that felt like a ball of spiderwebs. As he jumped back, he slipped and fell in the mud. He crawled over to a tree and huddled between two of its giant roots. Rain dripped all around him. Their fun adventure in the cloud forest had turned into a nightmare.

Jack felt something tugging on his sleeve in the dawn light. It was Bu-Bu. She led him, and finally stopped before a row of shrubs. There were gorillas families of all sizes and about ten slept in an open, grassy area. And Annie was fast asleep in the grass at the far edge of the clearing.

As he started toward Annie, the giant gorilla with silver fur, called a "silverback", opened his eyes. Their book said that they safely get close to gorillas in the wild, it's wise to act like a gorilla yourself. Jack crouched down and rested on his knuckles like a gorilla. Keeping his head down and acting friendly. He crawled around the gorillas and over to Annie. When he hadn't come back last night, Bu-bu led her there.

Just then, Bu-bu left her mother's arms and bounded over to Annie. She climbed into Annie's lap and hugged her. Another small gorilla, named Ho-ho, did like Bu-bu, too. The two small gorillas made laughing sounds and fell onto their back, and the two mother gorillas laughed, too.

Jack felt a little jealous, and wanted the gorillas to like him as well, but he didn't know how to join in the fun. So he just pulled out his notebook and added something. Suddenly, the silverback was glaring, because he never saw anyone take notes before. Jack quickly put his notebook away.

The gorillas began lining up behind the silverback. The babies traveled in his mother's arms or back, and Bu-bu and Annie held hands. Jack unfamiliarly followed with Big Buy and the gang. On their ramble through the cloud forest, the gorillas munched flowers, ferns, leaves, twigs, branches, pieces of bark and bamboo. They swallowed and burped.

As the gorillas ate breakfast, it started to rain again. But anybody didn't seem to mind. They ran around the trees, laughing and screeching. Actually, he didn't feel so left out.

The rain ended. Big Guy led his family into a clearing. Gathering around him, Jack and Annie lay down with all the gorillas to take their naps. While all the gorillas napped, Jack read the gorilla chapter of the book that Gorillas are very smart and has even learned sign language. Annie had learned how to sign 'I love you' in school.

That's when Bu-bu and Ho-ho were woken, Annie showed the sign to the small gorillas. She had held up a closed hand, slowly lifted her thumb, index finger, and little finger. Jack and two little gorillas made the same sign, too.

Then four of them jumped up and dashed to play into the forest. Annie carried Little Guy. The baby had crawled to a tree as they played. Just then, a huge black leopard looked hungry stared down at the baby gorilla. The leopard let out a snarl and lowered his head and started slowly toward Annie and the baby.

Jack panicked, but soon he remembered Big Guy's act. He tore out from the brush. Hooting like a silverback, he ran between Annie and the leopard. He cupped his hands and beat his chest and roared. Then he leaned over and charged back and forth past the leopard. He threw himself on his belly, and began bashing the ground with his palms. He bashed and bashed and bashed. The leopard was gone.

Just then Big Buy stepped out from the shrubs. He was proud of Jack and Annie. It was time to leave. The giant gorilla signed 'I love you.', and Jack and Annie signed back, too.

They came back to the Frog Creek woods which was still dark and rainy. Jack would be listed a few things about gorillas, but he realized sometimes lists don't tell us much. And he said that you have to love gorillas to really know them.

Jack pulled out the twig that Ho-ho had given him. He had promised Ho-ho he would eat it later, but he thought they should save it for Morgan instead. The twig would prove to her that they found a special magic, gorilla magic, the magic of all animals.

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(A+)이미지 스티븐영어 | 대표이사: 허승재,김은미 | 개인정보책임관리자: 허승재 | 사업자번호: 315-08-79458 통신판매업번호: 제 2017-서울중랑-0495호 주소: 서울특별시 중랑구 상봉로 7, 서일타운 4층 고객센터 : WIN31707@NAVER.COM | 대표번호 010-7355-1408

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