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제목 [라이팅] MTH #6-5 Pretty Fish2019-11-12 11:59


Annie patted the little mouse in her pocket.

“It’s okay, Peanut. The ants can’t get us in the river.

We’re safe,” she said.

“Maybe safe from the ants,” said Jack.

“But where is this canoe going?”

Jack and Annie stared at the river.

Branches spread over the water.

Vines and mosses hung down from them.

“We’d better look this up,” said Jack.

He pulled the rain forest book out of his backpack and flipped through it.

Soon he found a picture of a river. He read:

The Amazon River stretches over 4,000 miles from the mountains of Peru, across Brazil, to the Atlantic Ocean.

The river


contains over half of the rain forests in the world.

Jack looked at Annie.

“We’re on the Amazon River,” he said.

“It’s more than four thousand miles long!”

“Wow,” Annie whispered.

She looked at the river.



her hand through the water.

“I have to make some notes-” Jack said.

He pulled his notebook out of his pack.

He wrote:

The Amazon rain forest is

“Jack, look at those pretty fish with the teeth,” said Annie.

“What?” Jack glanced up from his writing.

Annie was pointing at some blue fish swimming near the boat.

The fish had red bellies and razor-sharp teeth.

“Watch it!” cried Jack.

“Those aren’t pretty fish. They’re piranhas!

They’ll eat anything! Even people!”

“Yikes,” whispered Annie.

“We better get back on shore,” said Jack,

putting the books in his backpack.

“How?” said Annie.

“We can’t go in the water now. And we don’t have any paddles.”

Jack tried to stay calm.

“We need a plan,” he said.

Jack stared at the river.

The canoe would soon float under some vines.

“I’ll grab a vine,” said Jack.

“And pull us to shore.”

“Good idea,” said Annie.

As they glided under the branches, Jack stood up.

The canoe rocked. He nearly fell out.

“Balance the canoe,” said Jack.

Annie leaned to one side.

Jack reached-he missed!

The canoe floated under more branches.

Jack reached for another thick vine.

He grabbed it!

It was cold and scary. It wiggled and jerked!

“Ahhh!” Jack screamed and fell back into the canoe.

The vine was alive!

It was a long green snake!

The snake fell from the tree.

It splashed into the water and swam away.

“Oh, man,” said Jack.

He and Annie stared in horror at each other.

“What now?” said Annie, making a face.

“Well…” Jack looked at the river.

There was no vines up ahead.

But there was a big branch floating on the water.

“Grab that branch near you,” said Jack.

“Maybe we can use it for a paddle.”

The canoe floated closer to the branch.

Annie reached for it.

Suddenly the branch rose into the air!

It was a crocodile!

“Help!” screamed Annie, and she fell back into the canoe.

The crocodile opened and closed its huge, long jaws.

Then it moved past the canoe and swap up the river.

“Oh, man,” whispered Jack.

A screeching sound split the air.

Jack and Annie jumped.

“Help!” said Jack.

He expected to see another terrible creature.

But all he saw was a small brown monkey, hanging by its tail from a tree.


Jack knew that they were on the Amazon River from the book.

While Jack was writing some notes, Annie found pretty fishes which had blue color and razor-sharp teeth.

Jack was really scared because those fishes were piranhas which eat anything, even people.

Jack and Annie thought they had better go to shore for their safe.

Jack tried to reach for the vine over the river,

and after a few failure, Jack finally succeeded to grab a thick vine.

But very strangely, that vine seemed to be alive. That was a long green snake!

Then Annie reached for the vine which was floating on the water.

Jack and Annie thought they could used it as a paddle.

But on this time, it was not a vine, either. It was a crocodile!

While Jack and Annie were in horror, another creature appeared in front of them.

But fortunately, it was a monkey which was hanging by his tail from the tree.

댓글로 서로 으쌰으쌰해요~^^


이전 [라이팅] MTH 1-7 Ready, Set, Go! 2019-11-12
- [라이팅] MTH #6-5 Pretty Fish 2019-11-12
다음 [라이팅] MTH 1-6 Dinosaur Valley 2019-11-11

(A+)이미지 스티븐영어 | 대표이사: 허승재,김은미 | 개인정보책임관리자: 허승재 | 사업자번호: 315-08-79458 통신판매업번호: 제 2017-서울중랑-0495호 주소: 서울특별시 중랑구 상봉로 7, 서일타운 4층 고객센터 : WIN31707@NAVER.COM | 대표번호 010-7355-1408

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