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제목 [라이팅] MTH #8. Midnight on the Moon2019-11-16 17:49

Annie came to Jack's room in the midnight and she tried to wake him up. Jack saw what time it was and told her that it was midnight and he wanted to sleep more but Annie pushed him to get up and go to the tree house at that time. Jack also wanted to find the fourth M thing and helped Morgan to free from the magic spells so he agreed to Annie's idea and changed his clothes from night gowns to jean, sweater, and sneakers. They slowly came to the floor and went to the tree house without any light. The moon shone brightly so they arrived at the base of the tree house without any difficulties. When Jack and Annie came into the tree house, they met Peanut, a little cute mouse and also found an open book. Jack couldn't read a letter clearly because the moonlight couldn't  have brightness enough to read the book. Anyway Jack saw the picture in the book and pointed it as he said that he wished that they could go there. The tree house spun faster and faster and Jack and Annie landed on the moon base looked like a motel. Jack read the book clearly in the moon base and he knew that they came to the future, 2023, on the moon. Annie wanted to find the fourth M thing as fast as possible so tried to go out to find it but Jack tried to read the book through but like the other story Annie let Jack follow her. They went to the spacesuit store room and put their spacesuits on, each of it was the smallest and the second smallest size, but one helped to lock it for the other, because it was too big and heavy for them. They went outside of the moon base and saw an environment of the moon. There were sandy floor, rocky crater and mountain, footprints, a black bright sky. There was no wind, rain, light. They could see blue-white colored planet, Earth and it could be beautiful. They jumped very high like a rocket man because there was a litter gravity and air so their weight were 6 times less than the earth. They found a moon bogey car and Annie courageously drove it without any preparation. Annie and Jack hardly drive the boggy because there were so many buttons they didn't know how to use but fortunately they didn't make any accidents until one of the rock came from the sky to the place in front of the boggy. They were trapped and Jack and Annie worried that their oxygen tank ran out of storage because their oxygen storage limit were only 2 hours. Annie and Jack tried to go over the rock using their jump without any trouble but both of them fell down to side of their spacesuit and couldn't stand up or even turn their head. As Jack sighed and worried about their future, the space man came to them and helped Annie to stand up and Annie helped Jack to stand and also the space man answered for Jack's question who he was. He draw a picture looked like stars and Jack and Annie believed that it was the fourth M thing because they thought the picture was Moon of star began from M. They hardly came to the moon base and took off heavy spacesuits and went back to the tree house and put the picture next to Moonstone, Mango, Mammoth bone which were on the floor of letter "M". However, they couldn't find out the Pennsylvania book let them go to the Frog Creek, their hometown. Jack and Annie tried to solve out this problem and finally Jack used the method of figuring the constellation out. He drew a line from one point to another and continued to close the line and it was a figure looked like a mouse and that time Peanut, a mouse, was on the floor "M" so Jack and Annie knew that the fourth M was the mouse. They yelled together 4 things twice such as Moonstone, Manga, Mammoth bone, and Mouse. Finally Peanut was gone and Morgan Le Pay came to Jack and Annie and she told a story that why she changed into the mouse and how she helped Jack and Annie during their four adventures. Jack, Annie, Morgan used the Pennsylvania book and Morgan needed to go back to her hometown so after landing on the Frog Creek wood, she said hello to Jack and Annie and moved her hometown. Jack and Annie saw a vacant space which had the tree house before and also started to go to their house. Jack wondered who the space man was and Annie said that he might be an alien from the other planet. Finally they came back to their house and saw the moon very calmly and went into each one's room.

댓글로 서로 으쌰으쌰해요~^^


이전 [라이팅] # Kung Fu Panda Day8. 2019-11-16
- [라이팅] MTH #8. Midnight on the Moon 2019-11-16
다음 [라이팅] MTH #6-7 Freeze! 2019-11-15

(A+)이미지 스티븐영어 | 대표이사: 허승재,김은미 | 개인정보책임관리자: 허승재 | 사업자번호: 315-08-79458 통신판매업번호: 제 2017-서울중랑-0495호 주소: 서울특별시 중랑구 상봉로 7, 서일타운 4층 고객센터 : WIN31707@NAVER.COM | 대표번호 010-7355-1408

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