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제목 [라이팅] 매트하#13 줄거리2020-04-08 13:14
Howdy guys! I wanna tallk smoe story that I read a few times ago to you.
Now, in vol 13, Jack n Annie were Master Librarians. They got  wooden card stand for the Master Librrian.
Every morning, they looked in the Frog Creek woods to see if Morgan le Fay and her magic tree house had returned.
That day, they could't  do that because therir family was about to take on vacation in mountain for a week.
But  although Jack n Annie were leaving soon, they  went out  home not worried.

Cuz the time was exactly same before they journeyed.
Jack n Annie walked between sunlit trees until they came to the tallest oak in the woods.

There it was-- A tree house and Morgan was waving from in the the house.
Whe they cilmbed into it, She showed them a piece of paper.
In the paper  strange writing was on it.
Vir Fortissimus in Mundo

It  was written in latin. Morgan handed Jack a book called Life in Roman Times. And she give a caution to them.
“Your research book will guide you. But remember: In your darkest hour, only the ancient story can save you. But first you must find it.”
Jack n Annie made a wish and landed on olive grove in Pompeii.
Annie felt ground shakimg and heard a sumble sound. (But  Jack couldn't ) So, she felt scared.
Usually Annie got down the ladder first and Jack was worried.
But this journey was different.. Jack pleased to her, they stepped off the rope ladder.
That was really weird.
Nowhere bird's chirping, the stream had been dried up when they crossed it.. Absolutly silent..
They headed for the town of Pompeii.When they arrived in forum of Pompeii, The woman pointed a bony finger at Jack and Annie. and said in a raspy voice. "GO HOME srangers!"
Jack n Annie hurried off her.
They kept walking, until soon they came to a fancy building with large columns.

Jack could see Gladiators and a amphitheater. In there, Jack n Anny met the woman again. She was a soothsayer.

Annie pulled out the secret card and asked where a library is.
She tought  the way to go to the library. It  was in the house of Brutus at the end of the street..
and said sadly, “After today, there will be nothing left in Pompeii, Nothing at all.”

Then Annie and Jack started running to there. They ran as fast as.
They arrived and founded out one chamher fill with rolls of paper.
These were  books.
Jack and Annie began frantically unrolling scrolls one by one. They were all handwritten in Latin.

One of them  had same  the words as their paper written.
Jack put it into his leather bag and flipped through the pages that he'd been given by Morgan..

In the book said,  Mount Vesuvius, at noon on August 24, A.D. 79, erupted into a deadly volcano.

Jack's heart nearly fell down. and he tried to know what time is.
A sundial. that had been the way how the Romans could know the time.

Jack and Annie raced to the sundial.
The shadow on the sundial can hardly be seen at noon. But Jack n Annie couldn't take a rest.
Everthing was collasping and trembling. A rumbling sound came from the ground.
A thick black cloud was spreading over the earth like an umbrella. The sun vanished as the sky turned smoky gray.

They ran from the vacation villa into the dark, burning streets.

Jack n Annie just passed the things that they had seen. Stalls, jars, baber shop, bath and a stadium. etc, everthing was collasping and craking.
Jack n Annie keep moving their steps until they arrive the place the tree house located.
Jack choked on the rotten fumes. His eyes watered.

However, as Jack n Annie came to dried stream, the bridge had caved in.
They couldn't  go through  grove of olives. They were trapped in danger.
Just then Annie remind what Morgan had said.
She pull out the scroll and said "Save us, a story!"
Suddenly a giant gladiator that they had ever seen before lifted them up.
So, Jack n Annie could go  into there. They grapped a rope ladder and scrambled up.
They clutched a book to made them go home and mad a wish.
Jack n Annie came back into the fresh air.
Morgan thanked to their bravery and gave them a little wave.
Then Annie and Jack left the tree house and headed down the rope ladder. When they reached the ground, Jack looked up. As she waved, the wind began to whirl. The tree house began to spin. In a blur of shadow and light, Morgan and the magic tree house were gone.

Then they took off running for home—and a restful vacation.

댓글로 서로 으쌰으쌰해요~^^


이전 [라이팅] MTH 2-1 라이팅 2020-04-08
- [라이팅] 매트하#13 줄거리 2020-04-08
다음 [라이팅] 2-4 줄거리 라이팅 2020-04-08

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