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제목 [라이팅] 3-7,3-8 필사2020-03-10 08:38
The Scroll
Jack put the scepter and his notebook and pencil into his pack.
He and Annie followed the ghost-queen. Deepper into the pyramid. Until they came to some stairs.
"The stairs!" said Jack and Annie.
The ghost-queen floated up the stairs.
Jack and Annie followed.
The ghost-queen floated right through a wooden door.
Jack and Annie pushed on the door. It opened slowly.
They stepped into a cold, drafty room.
The ghost-queen was nowhere in sight.
Dim torchlight lit the huge room. It had a very high ceiling. On one side was a pile of tables, chiars, and musical instruments.
On the other side of the room was a small wooden boat.
"The boat!" said Jack.
"What's it doing inside Queen Hutepi's pyramid?" asked Annie.
"Maybe it's supposed to carry her to the Next Life," said Jack.
He and Annie went over to the boat. They looked inside it.
The boat was filled with many things. Gold plates. Painted cups.
Jeweled goblets. Woven baskets. Jewelry with blue stones. Small wooden statues.
"Look!" said Jack.
He reached into the boat and lifted out a clay jug.
"The jug!" said Annie.
"Something's in here," he said.
"What is it?" asked Annie.
Jack felt dodwn inside the jug.
"It feels like a big napkin," he said.
"The FOLDED CLOTH!" said Annie.
Jack reached into the jug and pulled out the folded cloth. It was wrapped around an ancient-looking scroll.
Jack slowly unrolled the scroll.
Jack slowly unrolled the scroll.
It was covered with wonderful hieroglyphs.
"The Book of the Dead!" whispered Annie. "We found it. We found her book."
"Oh, man," Jack traced his finger over the scroll. It felt like very old paper.
"Queen Hutepi!"called Annie. "We have it! We found your Book of the Dead!"
"Queen Hutepi!"
Then another door on the other side of the chamber creaked open.
"In there," said Annie. "Maybe she's in there."
Jack's heart was pounding. Cold air was coming throuogh the open doorway.
"Come on," said Annie.
"No," said Annie. "She's waited a thousand years for her book. Don't make her wait anymore."
Jack put the ancient scroll into his backpack. Then he and Annie slowly started to cross the drafty room
They came to the open door. Annie went through first.
"Hurry, Jack!" she saidl.
Jack stepped into the other room.
It was nearly bare. Except for a long gold box. The box was open. The cover was on the floor.
"Queen Hutepi?" called Annie.
"We found it," said Annie. "Your Book of the Dead."
There was still no sign of the ghost-queen.
The gold box glowed.
Jack could barely breathe. "Let's leave the scroll on the floor. And go," he said.
"No. I think we shoul leave it in there," said Annie. She pointed to the gold box.
"No," said Jack.
"Don't be afraid," said Annie. "Come on."
Annie took Jack by the arm. They walked together. Across the room. To the glowing gold box.
They stopped in front of the box. And they peered inside.
The Mummy
A real mummy.
Bandages were still wrapped around the bald skull. But most of the bandages had come off the face.
It was Hutepi. Queen of the Nile.
Her broken teeth were showing. Her little wrinkled ears. Her squashed nose. Her withered flesh. Her hollow eye sockets.
Plus the rotting bandages on her body were coming off. You could see bones.
"Oh, gross!" cried Annie. "Let's go!"
"No," said Jack. "It's interesting."
"Forget it!" said Annie. She started out of the room.
"Wait, Annie."
"Come on, Jack. Hurry!" cried Annie. She was standing by the door.
Jack pulled out the Egypt book and flipped to a picture of a mummy. He read aloud.
Ancient Egyptians tried to protect the body so it would last forever. First it was dried out with salt.
"Ugh, stop!" said Annie.
"Listen," said Jack. He kept reading:
Next it was covered with oil. Then it was wrapped tightly in bandages. The brain was removed by -
"Yuck! Stop!" cried Annie. "Good-bye!" She dashed out of the room.
"Annie!" called Jack. "We have to give her the Book of the Dead!"
But Annie was gone.
Jack reached into his pack. He pulled out the scroll and the scepter. He put them next to the mummy's skull.
Was it just his imagination? Or did a deep sigh seem to shudder throughout the room? Did the mummy's face grow calmer?
Jack held his breath as he backed away. Out of the mummy room. Out of the boat room. Down the stairs.
At the bottom of the stairs, he heaved his own sigh. A sigh of relief.
He looked down the hallway. It was empty.
"Hey! Where are you?" he said.
No answer.
Where is the world was Annie?
Jack started down the hallway.
"Annie!" he called.
Had she run out of the pyramid? Was she already outside?
"Help, Jack!" came a cry. The voice sounded far away.
It was Annie! Where was she?
"Help, Jack!"
Jack started to run. Along the shadowy hallway.
"Help, Jack!" Her cry seemed fainter.
Jack stopped.
He was running away from her voice.
"Annie!" he called. He went back toward the burial chambers.
There! Her voice was louder.
Even louder!

Jack climbed the stairs. He went back into the boat room.
He looked around the room. At the furniture. The musical instruments. The boat.
Then he saw it. Another door! Right next to the door he had just come through.
The other door was open.
Jack dashed through it. He found himself at the top of some stairs.
They were just like the staris in the other hallway.
He went down into the hallway. It was lit by torches on the wall.
It was just like the other hallway.
"Annie!" he called.
She was running through the hallway toward him.
She crashed into him.
"I was lost!" she cried.
"I think this is one of those false passages. Built to fool the tomb robbers," said Jack.
"A false passage?" said Annie, panting.
"Yeah, it looks just like the right hallway,"said Jack. "We have to go back into the boat room. And out the right door."
Just then they heard a creaking noise.
Jack and Annie turned around. They looked up the stairs.
Then they watched in horror as the door slowly creaked shut.
A deep sound rumbled in the distance. And all the torched went out.

댓글로 서로 으쌰으쌰해요~^^


이전 [라이팅] 3-5,3-6 필사 2020-03-07
- [라이팅] 3-7,3-8 필사 2020-03-10
다음 [라이팅] 3-9, 3-10 필사 2020-03-10

(A+)이미지 스티븐영어 | 대표이사: 허승재,김은미 | 개인정보책임관리자: 허승재 | 사업자번호: 315-08-79458 통신판매업번호: 제 2017-서울중랑-0495호 주소: 서울특별시 중랑구 상봉로 7, 서일타운 4층 고객센터 : WIN31707@NAVER.COM | 대표번호 010-7355-1408

Setup Menus in Admin Panel
