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제목 [라이팅] 4-1, 4-2 필사2020-03-13 18:00
Too Late!
Jack stared out his bedroom window. The rain kept falling. And falling.
"The TV said it would stop by noon," said Annie, his seven-year-old sister.
"It's already past noon," said Jack.
"But we have to go to the tree house," said Annie. "I have a feeling the M person will be there today."
Jack pushed his glasses into place and took a deep breath. He wasn't sure he was ready to meet the M person yet. The mysteriouse person who had put all the books in the magic tree house.
"Come on," said Annie.
Jack sighed. "Okay," he said. "You get our raincoats and boots. I'll get the medallion and bookmark."
Annie ran to get their rain gear.
Jack reached into his drawer. He took out the medallion.
It was gold. The letter M was engraved on it.
Then he took out the bookmark. It was made of blue leather. It had the same M on it.
Both M's matched the M that was on the floor of the tree house.
Jack put the medallion and bookmark into his backpack. Then he threw in his notebook and pencil. Jack liked to take notes about important things.
"I got our rain stuff!" called Annie.
Jack picked up his pack and went downstairs. Annie was waiting by the back door. She was putting on her boots. "Meet you out side," she said.
Jack pulled on his raincoats and boots. Then he put on his backpack and joined her.
The wind was blowing hard.
"Ready! Set! Go!" shouted Annie.
They kept their heads down and charged into the rainy wind.
Soon they were in the Frog Creek woods.
Tree branches swayed, flinging rainwater everywhere.
"Yuck!" said Annie.
They splashed through puddles. Until they came to the tallest oak tree in the woods.
They looked up.
Tucked between two branches was the tree house. It looked dark and lonely against the stormy sky.
Hanging from the tree house was a rope ladder. It was blowing in the wind.
Jack thought of all the books up there. He hoped they weren't getting wet.
"The M person's been there," said Annie.
Jack caught his breath. "How can you tell?" he said.
"I can feel it," she whispered.
She grabbed the rope ladder and started up. Jack followed.
Inside the tree house it was chilly and damp.
But the books were dry. They were all neatly stacked along the wall. Just the way they had been the day before.
Annie picked up a castle book on top of one stack. It had taken them to the time of castles.
"Remember the knight?" she said.
Jack nodded. He would never forget the knight who had helped them.
Annie put down the castle book. She picked up the next book on the stack.
It was the dinosaur book that had taken them to the time of dinosaurs.
"Remember?" she said.
Jack nodded.
He'd never forget the pteranodon who had saved him from the Tyrannosaurus rex.
Then Annie help up a book about ancient Egypt.
"Meow," she said.
Jack smiled. The Egypt book had taken them to the time of pyramids. A black cat had come to the rescue there.
"And here's the book about home," Annie said.
She help up the book with the picture of their hometown in it.
Frog Creek, Pennsylvania.
Jack smiled again. The Pennsylvania book had brought them back home at the end of each of their adventures.
Jack sighed. Okaky. He still had two main questions.
Who was the M person who had put all the books here?
And did the knight, the pteranodon, and the cat all know the M person?
Finally Jack reached into his backpack. He took out the gold medallion and the leather bookmark. He placed them on the floor. Right over the spot where the M glowed faintly in the wood.
Rain blew into the tree house.
"Brr!" said Annie. "It's not very cozy today."
Jack agreed with her. It was too wet and cold.
"Look." Annie pointed to an open book lying in the corner. "I don't remember a book being open."
"Me meither," said Jack.
Annie picked up the book. She stared at the picture on the page.
"Wow, this place looks great." She showed the picture to Jack.
He saw a sunny beack. A big green parrot sitting in a palm tree.
An a ship sailing on a blue sea.
Another gust of rainy wind blew into the tree house.
Annie pointed to the picture. "I wish we were there instead of here," she said.
"Yeah," said Jack. "But where is there?"
"Too late!" came a squawk.
Jack and Annie turned quickly.
Sitting on a branch outside the window ledge of the tree house was a green parrot. Exactly like the parrot in the picture.
"Too late!" the parrot squawked again.
"A talking parro!" said Annie. "Is your name Polly? Can I call you Polly?"
Suddenly the wind started to whistle.
"Oh no! Now we're in big trouble!" said Jack.
The wind blew harder.
The leaves shook.
The tree house started to spin. Faster and faster!
Jack squeezed his eyes shut. Then everything was still.
Absolutely still.
Jack opened his eyes.
"Too late!" squawked Polly.
The Bright Blue Sea
Jack felt hot sunlight streaming into the tree house.
He smelled saltwater.
He heard the sound of waves.
He and Annie looked out the window.
The tree house was in a palm tree. Beyond was a bright blue sea. A tall sailing ship was on the horizon. It was just like the picture in the book.
"Too late!" squawked Polly.
"Look!" said Annie.
Polly was flying in circles above the tree house. Then she swooped down to the ocean.
"Come on, let's follow her! Let's go in the water!" said Annie. She took off her raincoat and dropped it on the floor.
"Wait, we have to study the book first," said Jack. He started to reach for the book. But Annie grabbed it.
"You can read it on the beach," she said. Without even looking at the cover, she shoved the book into Jack's backpack.
He sighed. Actually, the water did look wonderful.
"Okay," Jack said. He took off his raincoat, too.
"Come on!" Annie handed Jack his backpack, then started down the ladder.
Jack folded the raincoat and put it next to the stack of books. He put on his backpack. Then he went down the ladder.
As soon as Annie hit the sand, she ran toward the ocean. Jack watched her wade into the water. She was still wearing her rain boots.
"Your boots, Annie," called Jack.
She shrugged. "They'll dry out," she said.
Jack took off his boots and socks. He put them beside his pack. Then he rolled up his jeans. And ran across the hot sand into the waves.
The water was warm and clear. Jack could see shells and tiny fishes.
He shielded his eyes against the sun. And peered out at the sea.
The tall sailing ship seemed a bit closer.
"Where's Polly?" said Annie.
Jack glanced around. No sign of Polly. Not in the palm trees. Not on the sulit sand. Not over the bright blue sea.
Wnen Jack looked out at the sea again, the ship seemed even closer. Now Jack could see its flag.
As he stared at the ship's flag, a chill went through him.
The flag was black. With a skull and crossbones.
"Oh man," he breathed. He started out of the water.
"What's wrong?" said Annie. She splashed after him.
Jack ran to his backpack. Annie followed.
He grabbed the book from his backpack. He looked at the cover. For the first time, he and Annie read the title of the book.
"Yikes!" said Annie.
"Pirates of the Caribbean," Jack read aloud.

댓글로 서로 으쌰으쌰해요~^^


이전 [라이팅] 3권 줄거리 요약 2020-03-12
- [라이팅] 4-1, 4-2 필사 2020-03-13
다음 [라이팅] 4-3,4-4 필사 2020-03-14

(A+)이미지 스티븐영어 | 대표이사: 허승재,김은미 | 개인정보책임관리자: 허승재 | 사업자번호: 315-08-79458 통신판매업번호: 제 2017-서울중랑-0495호 주소: 서울특별시 중랑구 상봉로 7, 서일타운 4층 고객센터 : WIN31707@NAVER.COM | 대표번호 010-7355-1408

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