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제목 [라이팅] MTH#1-62020-05-07 18:31
6. Dinosaur Valley
"Annie, look at this!" Jack called. "Look what I found!"
Annie had gone up to the hilltop. she was busy picking a flower from th magnolia tree.
"Annie, look! A medallion!"
But Annie wasn't paying attention to Jack. she was staring at something on the other side of the hill.*(attention=주의,관심)
"oh, wow!" she said. "Annie!"
Clutching her magnolia flower, she took off down the hill.
"Annie, come back!" Jack shouted.
But Annie had disappeared.
"I'm going to kill her," Jack muttered. *(mutter=중얼거리다,불평하다)
He stuffed the gold medallion into his jeans pocket.
Then he heard Annie shriek. *(shriek=소리를지르다, 비명을지르다.)
Jack heard another sound as well. A deep, bellowing sound. Like a tuba.
"Jack! Come here!" Annie called.
Jack grabbed his backpack and raced up the hill.
When he got to the top, he gasped.
The valley below was filled with nests. Big nests made out of mud. And the nests were filled with tiny dinosaurs.
Annie was crouching next to one of the nests. And standing over her was a gigantic duck-billed dinosaur!
"Don't panic. Don't move," said Jack. He stepped slowly down the hill toward Annie.
The huge dinosaur was towering above Annie. Waving her arms. Making her tuba sound.
Jack stopped. He didn't want to get too close.
He knelt on the ground. "Okay. Move toward me. Slowly," he said.
Annie started to stand up.
"Don't stand. Crawl," said Jack.
Clutching her flower, Annie crawled toward Jack.
The duck-billed dinosaur followed her. still bellowing.
annie froze
"Keep going," Jack said softly.
Annie started crawling again.
Jack inched fartehr down the hill. Until he was just an arm's distance from Annie.
He reached out--and grabbed her hand.
He pulled Annie toward him.
"Stay down," he said. He crouched next to her. "Bow your head. Pretend to chew."
"Yes. I read that's what you do if a mean dog comes at you."
"She's no dog, Jack," said Annie.
"Just chew," said jack.
Jack and Annie both bowed their heads. And pretended to chew.
Soon the dinosaur grew quite.
Jack raiased his head.
"I don't think she's mad anymore," he said
"Thanks, Jack, for saving me," said Annie.
"You have to use your brain," said Jack. "You ca't just go running to a nest of babies. There's always a mother nearby."
Annie stood up.
Too late
Annie held out her magnolia flower to the dinosaur.
"I'm sorry I made you worry about your babies," she said.
The disnosaur moved closer to Annie. She grabbed the flower from her. She reached for another.
"No morem" said Annie.
The dinosaur let out a sad tuba sound.
"But there are more flowers up there," Annie said. she pointed to the top of the hill. "I,ll get you some."
Annie hurried up the hill.
The dinosaur waddled after her.
Jack quickly examined the babies. Some were crawilng out of their nests.
Where were the other mothers?
Jack took out the dinosaur book. He flipped through the pages.
He found a picture of some duck-billed dinosaurs. He read the caption:
The Anatosauruses live in colones. while a fuw mothers baby-sat the nests, others hunted for food.
so there must be more mothers close by.
"Hey, Jack!" Annie called.
Jack looked up. Annie was at the top of the hill. Feeding magnolia flowers to the giant Anatosaurus!
"she's nicem too, Jack," Annie said
But suddenly the Anatosaurus made her terrible tuba sound.
Annie crouched down and started to chew.
The dinosaur barged down the hill. *(barge=밀치고가다)
She seemed afraid of comething.
Jack put the book down on thop of his pack. He hurried up to Annie.
"I wonder why she ran away," said Annie. "We were starting to be friends."
Jack looked around. What he saw in the distance almost mad him throw up.
An enormous ugly monster was coming across the plain. *(enormous=막대한,거대한)
He was walking on two big legs. And swinging a long, thick tail. ANd dangling two tiny arms.
He had a huge head. And his jaws were wide open.
Even from far away Jack could see his long, gleaming teeth.
"Tyrannosaurus rex!" whisperd Jack.
Jack was found medallion. but Annie wasn't attention to Jack. she was bush picking a flowers from the magnolia tree.
she was took off the hill. then was came like a tuba sound. Jack raced up the.
The valley below was filled with nests. Big nests made out of mud. And babies filled was in the nests.
Annie bowed her head , And crawled to Jack. she was thank to Jack.
The Anatosauruses lived in colonies. while a few mother was nest guard, other hunted for food.
suddenly the Anatosaurs made her terrible tuba sound. her barged down to the nest.
she seeded afraid of something. in distance, ugly monster was coming to Jack and Annie.
The monster was Tyrannosaurus rex.

댓글로 서로 으쌰으쌰해요~^^


이전 [라이팅] 매트하 4 - 10 2020-05-07
- [라이팅] MTH#1-6 2020-05-07
다음 [라이팅] 매트하 4 - 9 2020-05-07

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